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Frequently Asked Questions
The following answers are provided in an effort to assist users. Please contact oaldatahelp@tcsg.edu if you need further assistance. |
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GALIS Passwords and Roles
Data Entry
GALIS Passwords and Roles I don’t like my password; can I change it to something else? Yes, just email the oaldatahelp@tcsg.edu help desk and we can set GALIS to require a new password on your next login. Passwords must meet the following criteria:
Data Entry
![]() Why can’t I enter a date before year 1996? The date selector can take input in two ways. You can type directly in the date field by clicking in the box (not the down arrow) or you can select the month and year and click on the appropriate date. The drop down list for the year can be confusing. If you select 1996 and click the grey back ground and then click the dropdown arrow again the list will have moved backwards about 10 years it is possible to get to the 1800’s this way, although not especially convenient. There are different places in the GALIS application where date selections are limited. This is done to assist the user in entering valid information. For example, when creating a new class the starting and ending dates must be with in the current Fiscal Year so the date selectors only allow dates to be selected which fall within that time frame. ![]() How do I just start keying student data in? I can open the student search but not the student data tab. Do you have to open student search first? If so, do I key in the last name and first name in student search in order to get to the data screen? The Student Search tab is like a doorway to student records. You must select the student that you wish to work with from the search tab. You will see to the far right of their name ‘Display Detail.’ Click on the ‘Display Detail’ and this will allow you access to the rest of the tabs for that student. (It may take a couple of seconds) The server has to remember who you selected as you move from tab to tab (in the student section). If all the tabs were accessible when you first went to the student section of the application it would not know which record to display. ![]() I got an error when trying to insert/update a record like this: Cannot insert NULL into ("OAL","OAL_TEST"<"TEST_CREATED_BY_USER_ID") The GALIS application requires the server to remember things for the user. User sessions are limited to sixty minutes. If you open the application and leave it idle for 60 minutes the session will time out and lose what was stored in memory. As a result you may get an error like the one above. Once you log back in all should work well. If not, contact the oaldatahelp@tcsg.edu help desk. ![]() Students How do I designate the site for each student? The only way a student is associated with a site is through enrollment. A class must be associated with a site to exist, but a student can exist even if they are not currently enrolled in a class. A student can possibly attend classes at more than one site. The site on the student search tab allows you to look for students that are currently attending classes at a specific site. The same student, for example, could show up in two different searches by site if he/she is enrolled in classes at each of the sites. The only time you will have to choose a site is when you are building classes. A class must have a title, start and end dates and times, faculty and a site. When a student is enrolled in a class the student is associates with the site because the class is associated with the site. You will not have to choose a site for a student – that will happen when the student is associated with (enrolled in) a class. ![]() There are two tabs called ‘Search Students’ but one of them does not give me a student I know I have. There are two tabs that are named student search. One of them is in the ‘Attendance’ section and the other is in the ‘Students’ section. The student search tab in the ‘Attendance’ section is for locating individual students who need to have attendance hours entered.The only students that will be returned on this page are ones that are enrolled in a class The student search tab in the ‘Students’ section should allow you to find a specific student in your agency. You should be able to search using any of the parameters listed at the top. You should not have to use the site parameter in order to search. The search function will only use the parameters that you have selected (clicking on the box). The drop down list will automatically show sites that belong to your agency as convenience so that you do not have to type them in. ![]() I just added a new student but they do not show up on the ‘Student Search’ tab. If you add a new student and do not see them on the first page (search page) click the refresh button. This is a result of keeping a set of students in memory, thus allowing you to search for a group of students, go to their records, and come back to find another student in the same group without having to search for them again. ![]() How can I see all of my students/staff/classes when I search? A quick why to return all records in the search is to enter a parameter that matches every entry. For example all staff and students have a last name. Select the ‘Use Last Name’ box and leave the text box blank. This will return all students with a last name. To shorten the list, just use the first letter of the last name. ![]() Do I have to conduct follow-up surveys for students who exited the program? No. Georgia uses a data matching system to obtain the following core follow-up measures for NRS: entered employment, retained employment, receipt of a secondary school diploma or GED, and placement in postsecondary education or training. Matching is conducted by the DTAE Data Center using social security number. It is important, therefore, that local programs obtain as many social security numbers as possible for those students with the above-mentioned NRS core goals. ![]() How do I enroll and report Work-based Project Learners? Georgia uses project learner outcome measures according to the following procedures outlined in the National Reporting System (NRS):
![]() I do a Student Search and click 'Display Details', but the previous student appears when I click a different tab. To ensure the same student record appears as the user moves from screen to screen, please set the following option in Internet Explorer: 1. Open Internet Explorer 2. Click on Tools, then Internet Options, then Settings. 3. Make sure that "Check for new versions of stored pages" is set to "Every visit to the page". 4. Click Ok on the Settings page, and then again on the Internet Options page. If a student attends more than one SDA, do both SDA's get credit for level completions?
Example: If a student attends
Coastal Georgia and while their makes a level completion
from ABE1 to ABE2, then time goes by and he attends West
Central the same year and also makes a level completion
there from ABE1 to ABE2 (or whatever) ... each SDA gets
credit for 1 level completion on Table 4. It's only the
statewide NRS table 4 that unduplicates things and counts 1
(not 2) level completions for that student in the system.
If I roll over a student whose latest test is older than 180 days, how does it affect testing the student in the current fiscal year?
a student's record is rolled
over to the current fiscal year from the previous year, and
their most recent test from the previous FY is over 180 days
old, that test can not be used as a pre-test for the current
FY. The student needs to be tested and that new test used as
the pre-test, For example if the student's most recent 2007
test was at the ABE3 level, and when testing the student
this year their 2008 entry level turns out to be ABE2, that
is fine. Each year you start over with a new pre-test and
all NRS level completions are based on that new pre-test,
regardless of what happened the previous year.
Reports Why are the totals different on the reports for NRS by County and the NRS System Totals? The reason is that a student will be counted once for each county they attend on the County reports (if they attend 12 or more hours in the county), but we can only count them once in the program total. The reverse can also be true: A student will not be counted in a county if they do not have 12 or more hours in that county, but they will show up in the SDA count if they have combined hours (in multiple counties) that are 12 or more. How can I create Mailing Labels from the Contact List reports? First you will have to export the report to an Excel file (Data Only). You will need “clean up” this file a little bit, meaning delete the header rows, leaving only the rows that you need left (Name, Address, etc.). Open up Microsoft Word and do a Mail Merge with your document. From the Word menu, choose Tools --> Letters and Mailings --> Mail Merge. There will be a wizard to guide you through. Step 1: Select “Labels” Step 2: From Label Options, select the type of Labels you are printing on. Step 3: Browse to the Excel File Step 4: Click on ‘Address Block’. Select the way to display the name (probably ex. “Joshua Q. Randall Jr.” would work best). In this same window, click on MATCH FIELDS to match up the data fields. Click OK (twice). Make sure you click “update ALL labels” button on the Wizard window. Step 5: Ensure that the Addresses are appearing in the correct format. Step 6: Complete the merge and print. LISTSERV How can I subscribe to the ADULTLIT-L listserv to be able to send/receive messages to others on the listserv?
To add
faculty to the listserv, simply send an email, from the
email address you wish to have added, to
the BODY of the email, enter
SUBSCRIBE ADULTLIT-L First_name Last_name (You will need to substitute your first and last name).